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tvt体育 粮油
随我国的中国有崛起,总需求领域的不停的延长,tvt体育 tvt体育 (我国粮油食品)在tvt体育 监事局新主席黄荣年叔叔的官员下,高瞻中国未来,跨市场数据整合在华的旗舰店行政部门成本以草业成本与科技子公司比较有限子公司(简单来说就是GAR)在新增坡美国上市,为迎战下轮~「新东方人世纪」的降临! tvt体育 油粮手工加工在我国国内国家以tvt体育 物品油籽(宁波市)局限企业为基础上,框架出遮盖华东地段和冀中沿海地段市场经济发达国家地段的全国性油粮手工加工手工加工战术平面布置,的专业产生质优的菜粕、精辟豆油、调解油及起酥油、从印度尼西亚原产质优毛油产生起酥油、精辟棕榈油等很多种油酯物品。


Continuous research & development as well as implementation of environmentally friendly
agricultural practices en🐽able continuing increase in productivity and profitability

Sinar Mas Agri-Resources and Technology, SMART, is Indonesia’s largest palm-based consumer products group with vertically integrated operations.

Listed on the Singapore Exchange since 1999, Golden Agri-Resources Ltd (“GAR”) is the largest oil palm plantation group in Indonesia and the second largest in the world. With an extensive global marketing network, we offer our palm oil products in some 70 countries today.

The large scale and integrated nature of our palm oil operations allow us to promote efficiency, productivity, quality and sustainable growth across the entire value chain. We manage nearly 500,000 hectares or about 5.5% of Indonesia oil palm plantation area but realise an output of nearly 10%, making us one of the world’s most efficient palm oil companies. GAR is committed to being the leader in sustainable palm oil production by adopting the best industry practices and standards, managing the environment responsibly, creating employment and empowering the communities.

Our downstream operations are in the best position to grow its global, diversified customer base through strong distribution, branding, merchandising, destination processing, shipping and logistics. While our priority is to enlarge capacity in Indonesia, we also seek out growth opportunities in the various destination countries that we serve.

For more information, please visit

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